Patients Recognize Sincerity
My Hair Transplant Mentor™ website and Youtube channel have experienced phenomenal growth, respectively, since 2015. As of 2020 I’ve uploaded over 250 videos and receive at least 1 million impressions a month. I continue to be the regular co-host of Spencer Kobren’s The Bald Truth which is watched by hundreds of viewers every week and I’m constantly on the search for new ways to engage with my audience. The singular point of everything I’ve done since I started in my new position(s) has been to do whatever I do with sincerity. In other words, I know I have to be true to myself and my beliefs in how I present information because if I’m not, my viewers and subscribers will see through me. Once that happens, anyone I work with will see the validity they’ve achieved through association with me suffer. This is why I generally don’t accept offers for product endorsements, unlike what others are doing in the same online space. This approach has had an additional, if not unforeseen, benefit in that my subscribers are more keenly in tune with what it means to have higher standards than what you’ll find in most other online platforms. This reflects what I’ve known about myself for all of my adult life, in that I cannot endorse something if I do not believe in it myself.
Today I work with twelve separate clinics and fifteen doctors, all having access to me and my time based on their particular needs but all have recognized the benefits of taking a different path, to varying degrees, than their competition. It all has to do with being more transparent than most clinics are willing to be. In fact, the key to their success is utilizing a combination of unconventional honesty and setting up barriers to entry for your skillset. While it is obvious why transparency is a good thing for business, creating more distance between yourself and your patients upon first contact is counter-intuitive. This is just one of the many things I try to help clinics I work with to understand, and it works.
The Power of Third Party Validation
You may have heard of this term before but not really have given it much consideration. Third party validation is a very simple concept that we see everyday. When a person or entity that is respected and recognized in a given field presents their acknowledgement of one’s competence it then becomes a validation. Therefore, if the average consumer reads or hears of an endorsement by a third party that isn’t related to the product or service they’re interested in, that product or service becomes more legitimate because it has been validated by someone or something that they trust. This is the first reason why clinics decide they want to be a part of the Hair Transplant Mentor™ collection of exceptional hair restoration specialists. They want to have the endorsement of someone like me that the public has learned to trust. This makes a lot of sense and it is something I’m happy to offer, but only to those clinics that I feel genuinely have something good to offer their patients. And again, this is where transparency comes into play. I’m transparent with my subscribers in that I tell them that my members pay a monthly retainer to remain associated with me but I also am transparent with what it takes for clinics to be accepted onto my website. I don’t run a listing service that is a “pay to play” organization with no oversight. I expect members to run their clinics and conduct themselves with a certain level of competence but also ethics. I base these standards on my own experience and what I would look for in a clinic if I were to have another procedure on myself. It’s a pretty simply and common sense approach but not one that just anyone can be a part of. What I have assembled is a truly unique and special club that only accepts a certain level of clientele. My viewers understand this and this is why it works so well for all involved.